How Insurers Use Patient Progress to Justify Denials of Mental Health Coverage — ProPublica

This article discusses suicide. ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as they’re published. Reporting Highlights Progress Denials: Insurers use a patient’s improvement to justify denying mental health coverage. Providers Disagree: Therapists argue with insurers and the doctors they employ to continue covering…

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Explosion in Las Vegas: Tesla öffnet Cybertruck aus der Ferne und sammelt Videos

Nach der Explosion eines Cybertrucks in Las Vegas hat der dortige Sheriff Tesla-Chef Elon Musk für die Bereitstellung von Videoaufnahmen des Fahrzeugs an Ladestationen und das Öffnen des SUV aus der Ferne gedankt. Das berichtet NBC News. Der Vorgang macht einmal mehr deutlich, welch weitgehende Kontrollmöglichkeiten der Elektroautokonzern auch über verkaufte Fahrzeuge behält. Ob Elon…

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3 Common Ones, Plus Their Solutions

“I work with coaches and other people who know too much.” Kate Solovieva is a former professor of psychology, a PN master coach, and PN’s director of community engagement. And the above quote has become one of her taglines. Though Coach Kate has coached thousands of “regular” clients, her specialty is coaching other coaches. Through…

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Editors at Science Journal Resign En Masse Over Bad Use of AI, High Fees

Over the holiday weekend, all but one member of the editorial board of Elsevier’s Journal of Human Evolution (JHE) resigned “with heartfelt sadness and great regret,” according to Retraction Watch, which helpfully provided an online PDF of the editors’ full statement. It’s the 20th mass resignation from a science journal since 2023 over various points…

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