Everything You Need to Know

If you live in a larger body, sometimes it feels like you can’t win. If you don’t lose weight, people will criticize you for being “lazy,” “unhealthy,” or “lacking willpower.” But if you take medication to help you, you’ll be criticized for “cheating” or “taking the easy way out,” even if you’ve tried for decades…

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Longevity Isn’t Just About Optimizing Physical Health—Here Are the Other Things that Count

There’s been a growing shift in the fitness, health, and wellness industry. The promise of “immediate results” will probably never lose its sparkle. But, as a good portion of our population (hi, Boomers!) moves into their “silver” years, conversations around optimizing lifespan (how long you live) and healthspan (how long you live with a high…

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Building a Referral Network: 6 Mistakes to Avoid

Everyone needs a team. As a health coach, you can become an expert in multiple areas: nutrition, behavior change psychology, fitness and athletic performance, stress management and recovery, and more. However, no matter how many certifications you earn, you’ll invariably encounter clients with progress-blocking problems you don’t have the skills, training, expertise, or legal right…

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