Altes City zurück? Guardiola schüttelt nur den Kopf: “Nein!” | “Unsere Leistung war nicht gut” | Video

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Krösche reveals Glimt are attempting to haggle over Hauge

By Peter Weis@PeterVicey Speaking to Germany’s main sporting tabloid, Eintracht Frankfurt board member for sport Markus Krösche has revealed that FK Bodø/Glimt are attempting to bargain with his club with respect to a permanent purchase of attacker Jens Petter Hauge. Jens Petter Hauge. Frans Santiago, Getty Images   Norwegian international Jens Petter Hauge’s unexpected return…

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UFC 310 submission winner shares insights on training with Mikey Musumeci ahead of the card

Mikey Musumeci is one of the best pound-for-pound grapplers in the world. In the last few years, he has worked with several UFC fighters including former flyweight champion Brandon Moreno. ‘Darth Rigatoni’ was recently credited by budding UFC lightweight contender, Chase Hooper, for the work they did together ahead of UFC 310, which took place…

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